Mobile hammer silage mill

Mobile silage hammer mill PSA is designed for grinding maize grains and husks for silage, with moisture till 40%. Its capacity varies between 15 and 50 tons per hour, depending on the moisture of the material being ground, engine power, strainer size, lap number and desired size of grind material.

Mobile silage hammer mill PSA includes the most modern electronic and technology. At the heart of the mill is a rotor with special blades, hammers and laps that grind the raw material. It is powered by an electrical motor with a power of 110-160 kW, or alternatively tractor (PTO shaft) with a modern compensation clutch. The clutch serves also as a safety device in the case of the mill being overloaded. The rotor components are produced from high quality material that is heat treated and tested with x-ray or ultra sound to insure long lasting and reliability. Rotor is electronically balanced according to the DIN Standard.

INO mobile hammer silage mill is operated through a central control panel, with manual or automatic operating regulation. An automatic frequency regulator controls the optimal energy to minimise the running costs. According to the customer needs a frequency regulator can be built into the mill or kept separately and controlled by remote control.

Advantages of High-moisture Corn:

■ High-moisture corn is similar in energy and protein content to dry corn.
■ No grain drying costs are encountered.
■ Yields typically are increased due to less ear drop in the field.
■ Longer-season (greater relative maturity) corn can be grown with greater yield potential.
■ High-moisture corn allows for an earlier corn harvest, avoiding difficulties associated with adverse weather and potentially spreading the workload during harvest.
■ Cattle have a longer window for grazing corn residue.
Tip mlinaDrive electric
Drive tractor
PSA 110110 KW
PSA 130130 KW
PSA 160160 KW
PSA 200200 KW

Standard equipment

  • Mobile holding frame
  • Hydraulic feet
  • Frequency regulator
  • Electromotor with electronics (if drive over electromotor)
  • Modern compensation clutch

Optional equipment

  • Transport device (for vertical silo)
  • Remote control for frequency regulator

